Thursday, March 16, 2017

What's the Password

This week we are nineteen peas in a pod. Our biannual pilgrimage to Grammy Sharon’s house (and Disneyland, of course) is on. Amidst lots of hugging, laughter, jokes and stories, there are always some new memories to be made. This morning at 6:30 a.m. was no exception. Sixteen of us pod peas were lined wall-to-wall on air mattresses in Grammy's living room, sound asleep. Little did we know that at that very moment, our little grandson Emmett was NOT asleep in grandma’s bedroom. Emmett’s attention had been captured by a string that was hanging next to grandma’s bed. Now as all five-year-olds know, any stray string deserves a good tug. This one was no exception. In this case, the pulling of the bedroom string caused a paradigm shift in the living room. A woman’s voice suddenly boomed, “Are you having an emergency?” All the sixteen sleeping peas popped. “Sharon, are you having an emergency?” The emergency assistance line had to been tripped, and ironically, the speaker was out in the over-populated living room. Further mayhem ensued with our next command: “What's the password?” “I don’t remember”, Grandma retorted. Thankfully, her birthdate satisfied the caller, and we were all free to go back to sleep. Not.

LESSON LEARNED:  There is never a shortage of new memories to be had when the family gets together.


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